Sunday 10 April 2016

Premium Character Profile: Quake - Shaking Things Up!

In this post, we're gonna take a look at what happens when you buy Quake, one of the regular premium characters available in the game!

Get Tectonic!
Wasp starts

Wasp: Quake! I'm Wasp!
Quake: Hi.
Wasp: I love that you're so shy! Is it because you're afraid that if someone gets too close to you, you might accidentally shake them so hard that their skin rips off and their bones disintegrate?!
Quake: Not with all of those horrific details, but yes...
Wasp: Don't worry about it! I'm totally almost indestructible, and we need someone to shake things up around here! And I'm pretty sure that's a pun!

Recruit Quake! 395 Shards

Nick Fury: I'm happy you're here, Johnson. Even happier that you'll be training as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Quake: Thank you, Director Fury. I'm excited about learning how to focus my powers.
Nick Fury: And after I show you how to focus them, I'll show you who to focus them on...

Reward: 58 Credits

Shake Things Up! Pt. 1
Iron Man starts

Quake: Are you sure it's safe for me to be here, Director Fury?
Nick Fury: Safe as anywhere else in the world. You can help us make it a whole lot safer...
Quake: Or turn it to rubble. I'm still not very good at controlling my powers...
Nick Fury: That's what we're here for. Tony Stark is figuring out a way to reinforce your dorm, and we'll teach you to point all that power in the right direction...

Iron Man Reinforce Quake's Dorm, 15m

Iron Man: I retrofitted your dorm with Vibanium girders. Should hopefully stand up to any amount of shaking. And I left you a cheese plate. So hopefully you have crackers.
Quake: Thank you. That's really nice. I just don't want to hurt anyone...
Iron Man: I'm sure Fury wouldn't have brought you here if he thought you'd wreck the school, and kill everybody. Actually, maybe he would. The faculty is sort of insane...
Reward: 58 Credits

Shake Things Up! Pt. 2
Loki starts

Loki: They tell me you possess an earth-shattering ability...
Quake: Who's they?
Loki: The Bug-Woman. She's imploring everyone to shower you with compliments due to your obvious insecurities. She wants us to say "You Rock!" because of your ability to manipulate rocks. I flatly refused.
Quake: What do you want?
Loki: I want to help you. I know this is difficult to believe, but I once dealt with my own insecurities...
Quake: It's not that hard to believe.

Loki Study Arcane Lore, 3m

Loki: Do you view your powers as a curse?
Quake: Sometimes...
Loki: What if I told you I could break that curse? I honestly have a lot more experience delivering curses, but I'm also fairly proficient at lifting them...
Quake: You can make my powers go away?
Loki: Powers like yours can't be eliminated, but they can be transferred. I would be willing to take your powers onto myself. To carry that burden for you...
Quake: I'm shy. I'm a little insecure. I'm not stupid.
Reward: 58 Credits

Shake Things Up! Pt. 3
Black Widow starts

Black Widow: Don't worry about the rest of the people here. You don't need to make friends.
Quake: But I want to make friends...
Black Widow: Oh. Then we can probably be friends I guess.
Quake: You're Black Widow, right? Director Fury told me to stay away from you. He said you're anti-S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Black Widow: More like anti-Fury. I'll show you everything I know about what S.H.I.E.L.D. really does... 

Black Widow Hack the System, 2m

Maria Hill: Do you prefer Quake or S.H.I.E.L.D. Recruit Johnson?
Quake: Quake is fine. Who are you?
Maria Hill: S.H.I.E.L.D. Recruit Maria Hill. We'll be going through training together.
Quake: Do you ever wonder if we can really trust Director Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Maria Hill: Is this a test?
Quake: No. It's a question.
Maria Hill: Question Everything 101 is our first class at S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q.!
Reward: 58 Credits

The New Girl Pt. 1

Nick Fury: Alright, Johnson. Let's see what you've got.
Quake: You know I can't control my powers...
Nick Fury: And the only way you'll get better is by practicing.
Quake: Wouldn't it be safer to practice inside S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q.?
Nick Fury: Not for S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q.

Quake Rock On! 30m

Nick Fury: Nick work, Johnson! I don't think you give yourself enough credit.
Quake: Thank you. I can usually control my powers pretty well, but sometimes I lose control, and it always turns out bad.
Nick Fury: I knew a guy like you once. Smart. Good person. But he'd lose it every once in a while, and level a continent.
Quake: What happened to him?
Nick Fury: Classified.
Reward: 58 Credits

The New Girl Pt. 2
Quake starts

Wasp: Quake! Let's go dancing!
Quake: Me?! No, I don't think so. Yeah, no. No, no, no...
Wasp: C'mon! You can't just slump around slumping in all your worries and slumpy stuff. You gotta dance it out!
Quake: Is that what you do?
Wasp: For sure! I'm not always this happy and positive. If I didn't dance it out every once in a while, I'd probably wreck another one of Mr. Fury's Helicarriers!

Quake Do the Quake! 2h
Wasp Dance it Out! 25m
Loki Master the Dance Floor, 2h

Loki: I see the Bug-Woman has given you her speech about "dancing it out".
Quake: You too?
Loki: I used to think dancing was only for princesses and indentured jesters. I've come to see the folly of my ways...
Quake: Do you ever do more moves, or just that same one over and over?
Loki: I refuse to mess with perfection.
Reward: 58 Credits

The New Girl Pt. 3
Quake starts

Captain America: Quake, right? I'm Steve.
Quake: Captain America...
Captain America: Yeah, people call me that too sometimes. I want to help you train...
Quake: Why me?
Captain America: Because S.H.I.E.L.D. will teach you everything about technique, but they won't talk to you about dealing with mistakes you've made in the past. And I have plenty of experience with that...

Quake Work it Out, 6h

Captain America: That's a serious punch. You're gonna make me and Falcon look bad...
Quake: Well, you know, the gloves help...
Captain America: Training is a great way to release all that regret and anger. Temporarily. If you're gonna deal with it for good, you're gonna have to face it head on.
Quake: I'd almost rather dance with Loki...
Reward: 58 Credits

The New Girl Pt. 4
Quake starts

Quake: I just wanted you to know that I'm going to take your advice. I'll try to find some peace and quiet, and just focus on what I'm feeling, and face it head on.
Captain America: That's great, Quake. I'm proud of you. I know how hard that can be. Do you want me to get you Quinjet access to fly somewhere secluded, or tell everybody not to bother you in your dorm?
Quake: Thanks, but I think I know what I have to do...

Upgrade Quake! 2250 Credits
Quake Find Some Privacy, 45m

Captain America: I hope your breakthrough was as impressive as your powers...
Quake: A year ago, I was walking across the bridge back home. I put my hand on the rail, and it started to shake. I panicked, and couldn't let go. They're still pulling pieces of that bridge out of the water...
Captain America: The drivers...
Quake: Terrified, but made it across in time somehow. I just wanted to cry and aplogize. They wanted to see me locked up in one of those prisons where they put people like me...
Captain America: It wasn't your fault. I've already seen how much control you have now. It'll only get better...
Quake: I hope you're right. Either way, I can't just feel sorry for myself, and be afraid to do anything. Thank you for talking to me about all of this...
Captain America: You're welcome. Someday, I'll tell you all of the things I'm trying to work through if you want to know...
Quake: I want to know every single thing about you...
Reward: 58 Credits

Put Up a S.H.I.E.L.D. Pt. 1
Quake starts

Odin: You should be bonding with your classmates, Quake. Forming friendships away from the battlefield is just as important as any combat training. How are you getting along with everyone?
Quake: Some better than others...
Odin: You mean, some better than Loki?
Quake: I didn't want to be rude...
Odin: The truth is sometimes painful, but never disrespectful. My son can be difficult, but strange as it may sound, I believe he'll reveal his heroism, and earn everyone's respect in the the moment of truth...
Quake: Either way, you have to respect his dedication to dancing...

Quake Observe the Party, 6h
Black Widow Pretend to Have Fun, 1h
Falcon Dance Like A Falcon, 6h

Falcon: How come you aren't joining in on the party?
Quake: I tried. I'm just not in the mood...
Falcon: I understand if you don't feel like you fit in yet. I still feel like that sometimes. Trust me, it gets better. Sooner or later, it starts to feel like home...
Quake: That's the problem...
Reward: 58 Credits 

Put Up a S.H.I.E.L.D. Pt. 2
Quake starts

Quake: Director Fury...
Nick Fury: Bad time, Johnson. I'm trying to put out multiple bad guy fires right now.
Quake: I want to know everything you know about my parents...
Nick Fury: ...Not so sure you do. Either way, A.I.M. has a giant robotic Triceratops stomping all over New York right now, so there's no time to talk until I take care of that...
Quake: Then let me take care of it...

Quake Crush A.I.M. 3h

Nick Fury: How's A.I.M.'s dinosaur?
Quake: Extinct.
Nick Fury: That's a solid dinosaur joke. Now let's talk about the next step in your training.
Quake: No. Let's talk about my parents. I know you wouldn't have let me in this school without digging into my past first...
Nick Fury: I did. Yours took more work than the rest. Your mom is an Inhuman. Your dad is...I'll give you access to the files. You can decide what he is for yourself...
Reward: 58 Credits 

Put Up a S.H.I.E.L.D. Pt. 3
Quake starts

Nick Fury: I'm giving you access to every file I have on you and your family. I'm even giving you access to my plane if you wanna try to find them...
Quake: But?
Nick Fury: But there are some things that aren't worth knowing. Some things are better left in the past. It's good advice, even though I never follow it myself...
Quake: I guess S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't the only thing we have in common... 

Upgrade Quake! 45 Avengers Textbooks (Mission Board), 40 x S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D (Mission Board), 5880 Credits
Quake Get Away for a While, 1h
Quake Run Background Checks, 3h

Quake: I couldn't find my parents...
Nick Fury: Is that a bad thing?
Quake: My mum's a mysterious Inhuman. My dad is a rampaging monster. Neither one of them seems to want anything to do with me. So why do I want to find them so bad?
Nick Fury: Because you won't be satisfied until you have all the answers. You were right. S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't the only thing we have in common...
Reward 58 Credits 

Lead the Way Pt. 1
Quake starts

Quake: I'm thinking we should start out own secret team. We can help each other on big missions independent of Fury and the faculty.
Black Widow: I'm in.
Loki: I had no idea you were so disingenuous.
Wasp: A super secret team! What should our name be?! Quiet Fighters?! Sneaky Soldiers?! Whisper Warriors?!
Spider-Woman: You had me at "secret".
Quake: Good. Let's get to work...

Quake Rock On! 30m
Wasp Have a Blast! 2m 
Black Widow Search for Clues, 1m

Maria Hill: What exactly do you think you're doing?
Quake: None of your business.
Maria Hill: Looks like you're forming your own team independent of the Director, and Academy guidelines.
Quake: So what if I am?
Maria Hill: I'll report you to Director Fury and Administrator Potts. You'll be confirmed as a traitor, and expelled.
Quake: And you'll be confirmed as a snitch.
Reward: 58 Credits

Lead the Way Pt. 2
Quake starts

Quake: When I was looking for my parents, I ran into a guy who said my dad was being held at a S.H.I.E.L.D. base. It shows up on satellite photos, but isn't in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database.
Black Widow: Could be a trap. Your dad and his associates don't...
Quake: Seem like nice, non-monstrous people? No they don't. Doesn't mean I shouldn't go looking for him...
Black Widow: No, it just means I have a good excuse to bring even more weapons...

Quake Search S.H.I.E.L.D. Shadow Base, 3h, requires Black Widow (& Wasp?)

Black Widow: You think your dad did that?
Quake: I don't know. If everything they say is true, it sounds like something he could do...
Black Widow: I'd say Fury might have taken out the base if he discovered it was really being run by Hydra, but I don't think he would've took it that far...
Quake: I really wanted to find my dad, but now I'm kind of worried that he might try to find me...
Black Widow: I'll help make sure you're safe.
Quake: Thanks, but I think we're gonna need a lot more help than that...
Reward: 58 Credits 

Lead the Way Pt. 3
Quake starts

Quake: I think Maria might actually be right. We don't need to be doing all of this in secret. But we do need to bring in tougher recruits. No matter how far we have to travel...
Black Widow: You know a way into outer space?
Quake: You could say that...

Upgrade Quake! 9981 Credits
Quake Recruit Your Team, 1h 30m

Black Widow: Where'd you go?
Quake: Asgard. They really like my gloves. They call them "exquisite gauntlets".
Black Widow: Why Asgard?
Quake: Long story, but I met a girl from there once. A goddess I guess. Toughest person I ever met. No offense...
Black Widow: She's gonna join the Academy?
Quake: Sooner or later. And she's gonna bring a few of her friends.
Black Widow: Loki's not gonna like that...
Quake: Wait until they bring his brother...
Reward: 58 Credits

Take a Stand Pt. 1
Quake starts

Nick Fury: I said you could look into your files. Not secretly investigate Hydra's S.H.I.E.L.D. shadow base, and recruit half of Asgard.
Quake: I was looking for my dad. Then I was looking for ways to keep myself safe...
Nick Fury: And you're trying to say I don't keep this campus safe?
Quake: Hydra guys stroll through the gates all the time. They flew an earthquake machine right over our heads. A.I.M. hacked your security. The Leader shot a gamma laser at Avengers Hall for two weeks straight...
Nick Fury: You're dismissed.
Quake: We're standing in the middle of the lawn...

Quake Find Some Privacy, 45m

Quake: I don't want to argue with you, Director Fury. And I still want to be an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I just want some answers. And I want to be able to make my own decisions...
Nick Fury: I don't want to argue with you either, Johnson...
Quake: Great.
Nick Fury: You're still dismissed.
Reward: 58 Credits

Take a Stand Pt. 2
Quake starts

Captain America: You okay?
Quake: I'm frustrated with Fury...
Captain America: Pretty sure every student here has said the same thing at some point. Maybe not Wasp...
Quake: You wanna hang out and hit things?
Captain America: Always.

Quake Make Sparks Fly, 4h
Quake Work it Out, 6h
Captain America Use Necessary Force, 1h

Quake: We need to do something about Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. I appreciate what they do, and I still want to be a part of it, but they have to be open to our ideas...
Captain America: I'd be happy if they were just open with their information.
Quake: How do we convince them?
Captain America: Shake 'em really hard...
Quake: You're right!
Captain America: It was a joke! See, this is exactly why I never tell jokes...
Reward: 58 Credits

Take a Stand Pt. 3
Quake starts

Nick Fury: What part of dismissed don't you understand?
Quake: I came here to train with S.H.I.E.L.D., and to learn how to control my powers, but I've found my voice here too.
Nick Fury: Congratulations. Unfortunately, I have no desire to hear your voice right now.
Quake: Then it's about time somebody made you listen...

Upgrade Quake! 70 x Textbooks (Mission Board), 60 x S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D (Mission Board), 14733 Credits

Quake Shake Things Up! 8h

Nick Fury: I should have you expelled.
Quake: Go ahead.
Nick Fury: But I'm having you promoted.
Quake: Seriously?
Nick Fury: Your powers have always been obvious, but you've shown a lot of leadership and initiative.
Quake: You're gonna share your secrets?
Nick Fury: I'm gonna raise your S.H.I.E.L.D. clearance level. And I think you'll understand why keeping secrets is so important...
Reward: 58 Credits 


Rock On! 30m, Quad
Do The Quake! 2h, Club A
Observe the Party, 6h, Club A
Work It Out, 6h, Avengers Dorm
Chat with Friends - Rank 2
Find Some Privacy - Rank 2
Get Away For A While - Rank 3
Hit the Track - Rank 4
Make Sparks Fly - Rank 3
Recruit Your Team - Rank 4
Run Background Checks - Rank 3
Shake Things Up - Rank 5
Study Inhuman Physiology - Rank 5
Test Psi-Shields - Rank 2 


Stay positive.
I'll do what I have to.
Don't stress me out.
We can do this.
That's the mission.
Keep calm.
I need some time to myself.
I'm working through some things.

What do you think of Quake? Did you buy her?


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