Saturday 21 May 2016

Civil War Premium Character: Sif

So with this Week 3 update we see the release of a new premium character for Civil War - Sif!

Note: Sif was re-released during the A-Force Special Event (Dec '16) 

Sif is available in the Shop for 495 Shards! She drops Field Gear and Field Communicators. She will also drop items to help progress towards the Winter Soldier - Hydra Tokens & Golden Armor!
Firstly, here's the pop-up regarding Sif:

She is introduced into the game by the following quest...

The Ultimate Warrior
Loki starts

Odin: The Academy continues to find itself in constant peril, so I've invited a true Asgardian warrior to help battle Hydra and the forces of evil.
Loki: Not...
Odin: No, Loki. As much as I would love to invite your brother, he remains missing.
Loki: I wasn't frightened of course. I just shudder to imagine the damage Thor would do to the food court and restrooms...
Odin: I'm glad you're frightened because in his absence I've decided to invite Lady Sif.
Loki: Uh oh...

Loki Study Arcane Lore, 3m

Sif: I've been hunting for you, Loki.
Loki: Hunting sounds...aggressive.
Sif: I'm aggressive with little tricksters who try to steal my enchanted sword, and trick me into kissing Volstagg. Violent might be a better choice of words...
Loki: Yes, well, you look as ravishing and deadly as ever. If you'll excuse me, I'm late for an important meeting. Somewhere. With someone...
Sif: Run far away, Loki. It makes things far more interesting...
Reward: 20 Vibranium

Charge Into Battle!
Black Widow starts

Iron Widow: I hear you're the toughest warrior in Asgard...
Sif: I hear you're the toughest warrior at Avengers Academy...
Iron Widow: ...
Sif: ...
Iron Widow: Let's do some damage.
Sif: Verily!

Recruit Sif! 495 Shards

Reward: 20 Vibranium

Monster Hunter Pt. 1
Sif starts

Odin: Thank you for joining Avengers Academy, Sif. I can't tell you how pleased I am to welcome a true warrior, and an honorable Asgardian.
Sif: I'll do my best to make you proud. Just point me in the direction of whatever monsters need to be slain.
Odin: There are no monsters here. I mean, I suppose there are some. It's complicated...
Sif: I'll stay ready. Monsters have a way of finding the sharp end of my sword...

Sif Master Swordswomanship, 15m

Odin: You've been practicing...
Sif: It's amazing how much easier it is to concentrate when Loki isn't around...
Odin: I like to think that he keeps things interesting...
Sif: I just think he's annoying.
Reward: 20 Vibranium

Monster Hunter Pt. 2
Sif starts

Loki: I'd like to make amends for my behavior back in Asgard, Sif. I should have never attempted to steal your sword.
Sif: I doubt you could even pick it up.
Loki: You and your three idiot friends watched me lift the mighty Mjolnir.
Sif: We paid a Dwarf to make a replica out of aluminium. The handle was a chopped off broomstick...
Loki: I knew that!

Sif Punk the Trickster, 2h, requires Loki

Sif: Would you like to finally sincerely apologize for everything you've done to me?
Loki: Not particularly.
Sif: Good. I'll have plenty of more opportunities to toss you around...
Reward: 20 Vibranium

Monster Hunter Pt. 3
Sif starts

Nick Fury: Welcome to Avengers Academy, Sif. I heard you're interested in hunting monsters...
Sif: You know where they dwell?
Nick Fury: I've been tracking monsters for a long, long time. I've just been waiting for the right hunting partner...

Upgrade Sif! 8 x Field Communicators (Have Sif Prepare for Battle OR Defeat Hydra Thug), 6 x Vibranium Daggers (Defeat Hydra Thug), 6 x Field Gear (Have Sif Engage Fellow Warriors OR Defeat Hydra Thug), 5173 Vibranium
Sif Track Midgardian Monsters, 2h
Loki Wield Sorcery, 1m

Sif: What were those things?
Nick Fury: A Golem, A Living Colossus, a pack of werewolves, two swamp monsters, a soul broker, and Dracula. Now that you know where they are, happy hunting. That's just the tip of the iceberg...
Sif: As in Frost Giants?
Nick Fury: Sure. We have a few of those too.
Sif: I love Midgard!
Reward: 20 Vibranium 

A Whole New World Pt. 1
Sif starts

Sif: Let's greet our fellow warriors! I'm eager to share tales of bloody battles and conquered monstrosities!
Iron Widow: You're saying you want to talk to people?
Sif: You don't share a warrior's bond with your classmates?
Iron Widow: I like them. Some of them. Sometimes. You go ahead. If you can deal with Loki and Enchantress, the rest of them will be a piece of cake...
Sif: Soft and sweet?
Iron Widow: Pretty much.

Sif Engage Fellow Warriors, 4h
Sif Control Your Strength, 15m
Loki Master the Dance Floor, 2h

Wasp: Lady Sif! You're so awesomely Asgardian sporty! Can you teach me how to slay a dragon?!
Sif: Of course.
Wasp: But I really like dragons...
Sif: That could be a problem...
Reward: 20 Vibranium

A Whole New World Pt. 2
Sif starts

Captain America: It's great to meet you, Sif. Odin has done nothing but rave about how you're such a brave and capable fighter.
Sif: He says the same about you.
Captain America: Me and Falcon and Ant-Man are about to go watch some football. Want to join us?
Sif: A sport played with the severed feet of your enemies?
Captain America: No! It's a game. It's a little bit violent, but it's fun.
Sif: I would like to learn more about this football...

Upgrade Sif! 5 x Battle Gear (Defeat Hydra Thug Lvl. 7), 20 x Field Gear (Defeat Hydra Thug), 10 x Field Communicators (Defeat Hydra Thug), 10274 Vibranium

Sif Study Midgardian Sporting, 45m

Sif: Midgardian football is incredible! Such a fantastic bloodsport of camaraderie and collisions!
Captain America: Bloodsport might be a little extreme, but yeah, it's great. You should join our fantasy league.
Sif: With wizards and unicorns?
Captain America: More like frustration and friendly wagers. Your version sounds better...
Sif: Why doesn't Avengers Academy have a team?
Captain America: We've talked about it, but it's hard enough to get everyone organized to fight. And I don't even know who we'd play. Someday hopefully...
Sif: Perhaps if Thor ever arrives. This is the type of game we would both enjoy...

Reward: 20 Vibranium

Time and Space Pt. 1
Sif starts

Loki: Have you managed to use your enchanted sword to visit other dimensions?
Sif: Not yet. The movements required to open the portal are too precise for even a skilled swordswoman like myself.
Loki: I believe I can help you...
Sif: Oh, can you? Out of the goodness of your heart?
Loki: What is it about this Academy that inevitably infects everyone with sarcasm? You are correct, Lady Sif. I can help you unlock your destined abilities, but I will definitely be expecting something in return... 

Sif Punk the Trickster, 2h, requires Loki
Loki Study Arcane Lore, 3m

Sif: Why are you such a glutton for punishment?
Loki: My intentions were borderline pure at first, but I can't resist getting my hands on that sword. It's a glorified knife in your hands. I can make it a gateway beyond the Nine Realms...
Sif: Then I'll save every other dimension from your annoyance by never letting you get your hands on it.
Reward: 20 Vibranium 

Time and Space Pt. 2
Sif starts

Hank Pym: Lady Sif! How are you enjoying Midgard?!
Sif: I like it a great deal, but I'm also interested in exploring dimensions far beyond the Nine Realms. They tell me you're the alchemist for the job.
Hank Pym: That's the first time in this timeline that anyone has referred to me as an alchemist!
Sif: You've visited other timelines?
Hank Pym: You will too! Science! Alchemy! 

Upgrade Sif! 20 Battle Gear, 5 Field Gear, 10 Field Communicators, 13576 Vibranium
Sif Study the Fabrics of Infinity, 8h
Sif Master Swordswomanship, 15m

Sif: Amazing. I'll be able to transverse time and space, and travel faster than the speed of thought...
Hank Pym: What's even more amazing is that you don't even need the sword!
Sif: What?
Hank Pym: You have the innate ability to pierce the fabrics of infinity, and travel to any destination you choose! The sword simply helps visualize the most accessible interdimensional portals!
Sif: How is that possible?
Hank Pym: Science! Alchemy! Magic! Destiny! Infinity! All are theoretically possible and potentially identical!
Reward: 20 Vibranium

Sif and Sorcery Pt. 1
Sif starts

Sif: Why didn't you ever tell me that the power to teleport between dimensions was my birthright, and had nothing to do with the sword?
Odin: Swordplay is an honorable pursuit, and you have a natural gift for it. Meddling with time and space created this accursed timefog, and transformed the Nine Realms into what they are today.
Sif: And what exactly are they?
Odin: Dangerous. Unstable. Vulnerable...
Sif: Then I should be visiting them all, and protecting those who can't protect themselves.
Odin: I cannot argue. But if you're intent on visiting the distant dimensions, I would first focus on getting even better with your sword...

Sif Discuss Past Adventures, 1h
Sif Master Swordsmanship, 15m

Sif: I need your help, Enchantress.
Enchantress: Obviously.
Sif: Director Fury alerted me to monsters lurking on Midgard, and I believe at least some of them were born from experiments performed by these Hydras. Will you search their minds for the locations of all known creatures?
Enchantress: Have you taken a role as a Midgardian pest control expert?
Sif: No, but I need to rid this world of monsters before I move on to the next...
Reward: 20 Vibranium

Sif and Sorcery Pt. 2
Sif starts

Sif: Black Widow has agreed to help me hunt down this world's monsters. I'd like to join us.
Loki: Why?!
Sif: Because many of them are masters of deception. I'd like a known liar at my side...
Loki: I never knew you had such a way with words...
Sif: You'll join me?
Loki: I thought you were obsessed with Midgardian athletic endeavors?
Sif: I was, but then I found out about interdimensional monster hunting...

Upgrade Sif! 5 x Long-Range Communicators, 5 x Combat Gear, 15937 Vibranium
AFTER EVENT: 119010 Credits


Sif Hunt Monsters! 3h, requires Black Widow & Loki

Reward: 20 Vibranium

What do you think of Sif? Are you planning on picking her up, or done so already? If you're interested in her actions and phrases, take a look below!


Sif's Actions

Master Swordswomanship, 15m, Avengers Dorm
Punk the Trickster, 2h, Avengers Dorm, requires Loki
Prepare for Battle, 4h, Cap's Obstacle Course - Rewards 1 x Field Communicator
Engage Fellow Warriors, 4h, Club A - Rewards 1 x Field Gear
Design Asgardian Armor, 4h, Stark Tower - Rewards 1 x Gold Plating
Revolutionize Dancing, 6h, Tony's Training Arcade - Rewards 1 x Hydra Token
Control Your Strength - Sif Rank 2
Discuss Past Adventures - Sif Rank 4
Play Midgardian Games - Sif Rank 5
Return Home - Sif Rank 5
Study Midgardian Sporting - Sif Rank 3
Study the Fabrics of Infinity - Sif Rank 4
Track Midgardian Monsters - Sif Rank 2
Wield the Hammer - Sif Rank 3

Sif's Phrases

You'd be a fool to fight me.
Don't give up.
Has anyone seen Thor?
When's the next battle?
I'm proud to fight by your side.
I refuse to lose.
Midgard is strange.
I fear no-one.
Keep fighting!
Let's fight!

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