Monday 9 May 2016

Van Dyne's Outfits: Super Spy Widow

Super Spy Widow is a special outfit you can purchase in Van Dyne's for 802 Credits.

It allows you to use the exclusive actions "Tools Of The Trade" and "Take Secret Passages", as well as reducing the "Test Widow's Bite" action by 45m!


Secrets And Lies Pt. 1
Black Widow starts

Black Widow: I want a spy outfit like the ones I trained with in Russia. I need to get serious if I'm ever gonna discover what Fury is hiding from us.
Wasp: But you're already always serious...
Black Widow: Now I'm Russian Spy serious.
Wasp: Whoa.

Unlock Super Spy Black Widow! 802 Credits
Black Widow Take Secret Passages, 8h

Black Widow: There's a series of secret tunnels under the campus, leading to the reinforced vaults, but it's impossible to tell what's inside.
Wasp: The real mystery is how you crawled through a bunch of tunnels without getting one stain!
Reward: 144 Credits

Secrets And Lies Pt. 2
Black Widow starts

Black Widow: I need to scour this place for clues. Find a way into those vaults, or at least some info on what might be inside. You wanna help?
Wasp: Can we wear matching outfits?!
Black Widow: No.
Wasp: Then I'm out. After seeing you, I don't think anyone should spy without an all-white catsuit.

Black Widow Search For Clues, 1m
Black Widow Hack The System, 2m

Black Widow: I think there's a separate secret entrance to the central vault, but I can't find it.
Wasp: Did you try spinning all the bookshelves and big clocks?
Black Widow: No.
Wasp: Don't they teach you anything in Russian Spy School?
Reward: ?? Credits

Secrets And Lies Pt. 3
Black Widow starts

Black Widow: I need to go over everything I've found in the S.H.I.E.L.D. databanks, and see if I can solve this thing.
Wasp: Did you try spinning all the bookshelves and big clocks?
Black Widow: ...Yes. One shelf started to spin, but it's just because it's cheap, and nobody anchored it to the wall.
Wasp: Mysterious...

Black Widow Figure It Out, 2h

Reward: 157 Credits

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